Super bioFREAK OMG will take your workout to levels never felt before. You will experience increased strength, endurance, dialed-in focus, elevated pumps/vascularity, and non-stop energy to push you through even the most grueling workout.
* Explosive Energy
* Muscular Endurance
* Extreme Mental Focus
* Zero Creatine/No Bloating
* Increased Vascularity
* Nitric Oxide
FOCUS. Yes, dialed in tunnel vision, allowing you to stay focused on the task at hand-maximizing every minute of your particular workout.
PUMP/VASODILATION. The holy grail-blood engorging the muscles, veins popping out of your skin, muscles looking twice their size. Sounds great, right? Yep-it is.
Muscular Endurance/Lactic Acid Buffering. Getting those extra reps and sets when your normal workout says “hey-you’re done buddy.” Those extra reps and sets are responsible for creating those ever so needed micro-tears, the ones that repair a little stronger and more dense, for yeah, muscle growth. Do NOT underestimate this portion of your pre-workout. It’s one thing to THINK you can lift the weight, and an entirely different thing to actually DO IT.